Motoryachts for Sale
Motoryachts For Sale

Motoryachts for Sale Internet is a wonderful tool to connect honest yacht buyers and sellers however you must always use common sense and not take anybody’s word or intentions for granted.
just like in real life While most people on the Internet are honest, however, there are people from poor or lawless countries of the world that are constantly looking for someone to take advantage of and to cheat on.
Any time you buy or sell a motoryachts for sale or other goods online, it is important to realize that the distance and anonymity of online contact bring you at risk for fraud more than buying and selling face to face.
The following are guidelines that you should follow and Tips for Avoiding Scams as a Buyer,
Discuss details of the boat by the phone in addition to email or online so you speak with the person selling the motoryachts for sale.
Get a landline number of the motoryachts seller and verify that the phone number given matches the physical location of the yacht listed.
Ask for the motoryachts for sale exact location and Hull Identification Number, and do a quick web search on the boat’s name, part of the description of the boat, and/or hin number.
Be more cautious of yacht sellers using free email accounts as these can be used by overseas scam artists and then discarded as they are reported.
Notice poor grammar, lack of knowledge, incorrect location names, made up or incorrectly formatted names, and numerically or otherwise generated throwaway email addresses are easy but usually correct indications of a scam attempt.

Use extreme caution when buying motoryachts for sale located a long distance from your location. Since websites are available to people around the world and buying a motoryacht that is located a great distance from you increases the risk towards you.
Motoryachts for Sale is it’s never a good idea to buy a yacht without viewing it in person before any money changes hands.
Only consider ads for motoryachts for sale that you can view in person. Avoid internet scams involving overseas yachts or overseas sellers by only considering boats that you can survey and view in person.
After discussing the details, have the motoryacht for sale surveyed before any money changes hands.
View the yacht in person or at the very least, have a qualified and trusted friend acting as your agent inspecting the boat on your behalf.
Please always use good judgment and when considering the purchase of a motoryachts for sale.
it is the buyer’s duty and responsibility to inspect a boat before purchase or to have it surveyed or have a broker acting on their behalf.
Never wire funds via western union, MoneyGram, or any other money transfer services.
Avoid scams where a seller wants you to pay or overpay any third party where part of the payment will then be related to the seller. this would almost always represent a scam.
Never give out personal financial information such as bank account number, social security number, eBay or PayPal info, etc.
Never give a deposit on a yacht without visiting personally.
Always physically inspect the boat before any money ever changes hands.

Tips for Avoiding Scams, as Yacht Seller
Be careful of fake cashier checks and money orders which are pretty common nowadays.
Unfortunately, banks will cash them and then hold you responsible a week or more after the fact when the fake cashier’s check or money order is discovered to be fraudulent.
Any requests to overpay for the yacht and have excess money returned or given to a shipping company are almost always fraudulent.
Never do this without consulting with your bank first.
99 % of such requests represent an attempt of fraud the scam is that the buyer sends you a fraudulent cashier check, check, or money order, get you to pay a part of it to either them or a third party which gives them the money, and then when the larger payment is discovered to be fraudulent and reversed by the bank you have left out the money that was returned or given to the third party.
Please always use caution and your best judgment if presented with a deal that does not seem logical, and be sure to talk with your bank to be sure all checks and transactions have been completed, cleared, and verified before releasing further funds or property.
Be especially careful of any transactions from overseas where such transactions might be reversed after some time due to fraud.
Notice poor grammar, lack of knowledge of local geography, incorrect location names, made up or incorrectly formatted names, and numerically- or otherwise-generated throw-away email addresses as easy but usually correct indications of a scam attempt.

Be very careful of sellers using free email addresses (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.)
Look at the IP address included with the contact form, or the headers of the email, and get a location of that IP address and see if it matches up with where the buyer says he is located.
for example, an Ip that is assigned to West Africa with a buyer that says he is in California is a clear indication of a fraud attempt. likewise, an Ip address that is an open proxy most often indicates someone attempting a fraudulent communication.
Contact the buyer or seller by Office phones ( landline) as well as online such as skype to help confirm their identity. Motoryachts for Sale
Always be sure payment is legitimate and that it has fully cleared and is nonfraudulent before releasing any funds transfer.
Warnings there have been several fraud attempts from Indonesia and Nigeria. Avoid any ads posted for boats supposedly from Indonesia or Nigeria unless you can view the boat in person.
Always check a landline phone number that matches the location of the boat to be sure the phone number is correct and that the location matches what is stated. Always physically inspect any boat before any money ever changes hands. Tips for Baying and motor Sailing yachts for sale On-Line